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Sunday, December 23, 2007


Well it's the day before Christmas and I've managed to get some time to look at Wikis. I was familiar with them before Web 2.0 and had been curious about the editing process given that there are many out there who are tempted to create havoc with online information. Of course, Wikipedia has people policing its site now but I noticed that other wikis have had to become stricter about allowing access.

I must say that I was impressed with the SJCPL subject guides and can see a great deal of potential for libraries wishing to offer their patrons 'one stop shopping' on a range of subjects. I wasn't quite sure, however, why this site had to be a wiki as opposed to a web page which could be updated periodically. I have been told, however, that the process of changing content is generally less time consuming if the site is set up as a wiki.

The Book Lovers' Wiki is a way of providing an online forum for those wishing to review, or discuss books, but I wonder if sustaining an interest in it over a period of time could become an issue.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Rolling on with Rollyo

Well, this is great. Everyone else seems to have finished Web 2.0 but I'll soldier on because there are a few more offerings I would like to investigate. Had a look at Rollyo and created a couple of search rolls and was pleased with the result. The interface, however, is a little busy for my liking and one would need to compile a comprehensive number of search rolls and continually update them if the aim was to use it in a library reference setting.